A new year has come...will it be better or worst...i don't know...but i was inspired by a blog and I'd like to draw me too some conclusions about the year that has passed....

1. My biggest achievement:
- falling in love

2. My biggest regret:
- hurting the people that thought they love me by not responding to their love

3. My bigest challenge:
- admitting and declaring my love

4. My biggest failure:
- trusting people..some...one...

5. The best new persons I've met:
- jose, cristi, calin, florentin...i think :P

6. New countries I've visited:
- Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Luxembourg.

7. Things that I've never done:
- socialising in public places (and this includes chasing and picking-up girls and boys :P)

8. Things i should have liked:
- having a relationship with the person i felt in love with

9. A new artist that i discovered:
- music: sir Edward Elgar
- art: Roman Tolici
- architecture: Christian de Portzamparc

10. Best moment of the year:
- receiving a pair of shoes stolen especially for me :))))

11. Quote of the year:
- "Never make a priority of someone that makes you an option" - someone from the internet

2 comentarii:

  1. Te cunosc, de fapt nici nu pot spune ca te cunosc... ne-am intersectat de foarte putin timp, insa cred ca esti un baiat deosebit. Trebuie sa iti pastrezi directia si sa inveti sa procedezi in asa fel incat sa nu ai regrete. Si nu uita ca putem muta munti daca ne propunem.
    Cu prietenie, C.

  2. Ce interesant bilantul tau pe 2008, cred ca ma voi inspira si eu din el si voi face asa ceva pentru mine, acum ceva ani, in adolescenta, faceam mereu asta.
    Imi place cum scrii, mai ales lejeritatea cu care privesti unele lucruri poate dificile, ai ceva din omul care zambeste cand toti se dau cu capul de pereti! Si cred ca acesta e unul din lucrurile esentiale despre care intrebai tu pe blogul nostru.

    Salut cu drag,

